Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why Blogs were invented

I am convinced that blogging was invented to give people something to do when they don’t feel like working. Right now I have a drama to write, two scripts to memorize, a music video to cast and story board and a sermon to look over for this Sunday night. I have plenty to do; I just don’t feel like doing any of it. So, instead of doing work, I blog. Sure blogs are useful, there’s lots of good stuff out there. There is much wisdom to be gleaned from blogs. But being a blog writer isn’t a job. Well, maybe it is. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone gets paid to write and keep up with a blog. I want that job. If that were my job then I wouldn’t feel like doing it. And instead of doing my blog job I would get the drama written, the scripts memorized, the music video done and spend the rest of the time looking over my message.

If you’re interested here is the real history of Blogs. It’s actually very interesting how they came about.


Andrew said...

There's actually a lot of people who get paid to blog. I find it comforting because it means there are folks out there who contribute even less to society than I do.

Andrew said...

I rue the day I taught you about rick rolling.