Saturday, June 6, 2009

Facebook in the Nursing Home

So it's time for my once every three month post. But today I'm at a birthday party for the daughter of a friend of mine. A family friend of theirs came by, she is about 65 years old. She wouldn't shut up about her Facebook account. Now, I'm not stupid, I know there is an invasion of Gen X people (that's people my age) on Facebook. But at least Gen Xers actually had computers when we were in High School. We're all just trying to hold onto the fact that we are still young and cool, as I drag my three kids to McDonald's. But there is no reason this old lady should have a Facebook. Basically all she does is post pictures of her family and friends. Why? Can't she just dig in her big old purse, under her checkbook, and pull out a photo album? That's what old ladies carry, check books and photo albums. I'm not so much bothered by the fact she has a Facebook account, but she kept walking around asking people if "they saw that picture on Facebook". Of course, now that I think about it, what else does she have to do? Teenagers and old people have a lot in common. Other people take care of them. They don't have a job so they have nothing better to do then sit on the computer. They poop their pants. OK, maybe that was just me . . . I mean that weird kid across the street. So maybe Facebook is the perfect place for retired people. Maybe they need their own social networking site: OldFarts, My Depends, Old Face, Face Where are My Dentures. I don't know. I'm just glad my mom hasn't signed up for Facebook. I spent 4 days on the phone with her trying to explain how to scan and e-mail a picture. Could you imagine her calling me every time she got a request to take a quize or fill our a survey! Oh well, Facebook will be dead soon enough. Kids will move on to something else. I just with I could figure out what that is so I could invent it.


simon said...

Lol, I don't know what that something is either, but I am working on it!

jonnymay said...

Kelley said...

Thank God she never goes on there!