Thursday, April 10, 2008

Great Week of Serving

The Great Week of Serving started out slow. This was our first attempt at something like this. I was riding with a friend of mine from work and he asked if we had a good turn out. I told him we had four. On average we have about 80 students that I would call active in our student ministry. So when you look at the number that showed up for that first day it doesn’t exactly WOW you. Five percent isn’t anything to brag about. But here’s the thing. On that first day we had four teenagers that gave up their life for a few hours to serve. Four students went against the grain and decided to give up their first official day to sleep in and show up at the church at 9:00 in the morning. Personally that does WOW me! The next two days proved to be a little better. On one of those days we had the chance to serve some people at a home for abused women and children. We painted, did yard work and played with kids. In all we had 19 students participate in the great week of serving, one student came to all three (yeah RaShaan). Five leaders also came out, our Sharpsburg Campus Director, the lovely Becky Martin, stepped up and lead the way (since her lousy boss, a.k.a. ME, decided to schedule a bunch of other stuff). Thanks to everyone to helped out.

Now when you look at it we only had 19% of our student ministry (students and leaders) participate; overall, not a great number. I really didn’t have any idea how many we would have. Like I said, we’ve never done this kind of thing before. But here is what I do know. We had 19 students make a sacrifice this week. In our day and time I don’t think we know what true sacrifice is. But to a teenager, time out of school is one of their most precious possessions. And to a teenager giving any of that time up is a sacrifice.

2000 years ago 12 men made huge sacrifices to follow some guy from Nazareth that just said “Follow me”. That guy and those 12 men changed the world forever. Proof that numbers don’t matter; it’s what’s in the heart that counts. Nineteen students didn’t set out to change the world this week, but some change did happen in their hearts. I believe that heart change can and will change the world. Twelve did it 2000 years ago, there’s no reason we can’t do it today. Besides, we’re 7 up on them. Piece of cake.

Thanks to everyone that came out. I love you guys!

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